What Dialysis Patients Should Know about COVID-19


Tell us about your organization and the work you do there.

I specialize in the marketing, communications and business development-related projects for NANI, Nephrology Associates of Northern Illinois and Indiana. NANI is a private, single-specialty practice made up of Nephrologists, specialists in kidney disease, kidney injury and resistant hypertension.

What communities do you serve?

The entire Chicago area, as well as communities in Indiana.

What populations do you serve?

We serve a wide variety of socio-economic and cultural groups in many geographic areas.

Why did you decide to join the Illinois Kidney Care Alliance?

NANI is a forward-thinking physician practice which strives to ally with key organizations and leaders dedicated to improving the lives of people with kidney disease, kidney transplant and related conditions. IKCA gives us a seat at the table and opportunity to shape Illinois policy for our patients.

What do you hope the alliance accomplishes?

I hope the alliance brings more attention to the needs of kidney disease patients in Illinois and nationwide, including more screenings and prevention for residents and fewer regulatory hurdles for nephrologists.

What policy changes do those living with kidney disease need now?

An increase in Medicaid funding is imperative, especially in communities most in need for health care resources. The current funding is not adequate to keep hospitals and physician practices open. Funding that is provided is paid 18 months after the services are rendered, which amounts to the state borrowing from healthcare providers and hospitals.

What can lawmakers do to help those with kidney disease? 

Payment for care, treatments and medications is key. Reducing barriers to Medicare and private insurance coverage will help millions of Americans with kidney disease.

What is something most people don’t know about dialysis/kidney disease?

Kidney disease is much more common than people think. 37 million people in the US live with the disease and 1 in 3 are at risk.

If you can share one story about the work you and your organization do, what would it be?

Using home dialysis modalities for treatment of kidney failure, many, many people are able to live a more meaningful and productive life. The stories of these patients are stories that NANI’s physicians are proud of. Finding a treatment that works for a patient and fits their lifestyle and goals is the intention of every good nephrologist.

Any additional information you would like to share about your organization? 

NANI was founded over 40 years ago and is now the largest Nephrology specialty practice in the U.S.